TCVM Herbal Double P II Curbs Horse Back Pain

TCVM Herbal Double P II Curbs Horse Back Pain

If you experience sudden-onset temperament and performance issues while riding, you might what to check for horseback pain. Unfortunately, horses can’t talk. And, they don’t always express the pain in ways easy for us humans to understand. If your horse is suddenly acting different, it just might be a back problem. What is Causes Horse Back […]

Double P II Soothes Cat Disc Disease Symptoms

Double P II Soothes Cat Disc Disease Symptoms

Disc disease is more common in dogs than cats. However, some cats suffer from disc disease. Symptoms range from signs of mild pain to paralysis (partial or complete). However, most cat disc disease cases fall somewhere between the two extremes. The symptoms of cat disc disease often mimic signs of ruptured disks caused trauma, but […]

Double P II Herbal Blend Helps Dogs with IVDD

Double P II Herbal Blend Helps Dogs with IVDD

Intervertebral disk disease (IVDD) causes several different types of symptoms in dogs. Symptoms range from signs of mild pain to paralysis (partial or complete). Most canine IVDD cases fall somewhere between the two extremes. Dog IVDD signs often mimic signs of severely ruptured disks caused trauma, but the cause is different. IVDD occurs more commonly […]