Feng Shui Tips for Pets Everybody Ought to Know

Feng Shui Tips for Pets Everybody Ought to Know

“What’s that?”

Pet owners increasingly seek new ways to improve their pet’s lives.

Feng Shui offers pet parents a unique way to achieve balance and harmony.

Here are some Feng Shui tips for pets.

What is Feng Shui?

Ancient Eastern philosophies suggest Qi, or energy, flows and permeates our environment.

The energy surrounding us influences our inner selves as well.

Feng Shui involves placing objects appropriately within the home to improve you and your pets’ overall well-being.

Feng Shui is viewed as both a spiritual practice and an interior design philosophy.

Have you ever walked into a room that “feels good?”

Maybe the windows let in light, the color scheme is complementary, and the furniture arrangement allows for proper flow throughout the room.

Cats and dogs can benefit from a Feng Shui environment as well!

How to Feng Shui for Pets

Pet parents seeking to improve their pet’s inner calm may want to consider employing the following Feng Shui techniques. 

Pet Bed Placement Do’s

  • Designate a special space for your pet with a mat, bed or rug.
  • Keep your pet’s “area” tidy. Shake out his or her bed or rug regularly.
  • Buy a new pet bed every 1-2 years for cleanliness.
  • Put your pet’s bed against a solid wall away from opening and closing doors.
  • Place your dog’s bed on the opposite side of the house from the front door or garage.
  • Cats belong to the element of wood, making blue, black, or green suitable colors for bedding. Avoid red bedding for your cat.
  • Dogs belong to the element of Earth and should be kept away from white baskets.

Pet Bed Placement Dont’s

  • Don’t keep your pet in a cage, as this inhibits the flow of energy and creates bad qi in the house.
  • Don’t put heavy objects, such as cabinets, shelves, and lighting, above or behind your pet’s bed in case they fall.
  • Don’t place your pet’s bed under a window or in a corner. Qi stagnates in these areas.
  • Keep your pet’s bed away from water elements. Water elements disturb rest.
  • Don’t put your dog’s bed directly across from an open door at the end of a long corridor. Qi can flow away from the bed and out the door.
  • Don’t use bedding made of synthetic materials. Opt for natural materials instead.

Feng Shui Decorating Tips for Your Pet

  • Minimize the use of mirrors, which can scare your pet.
  • Keep your pet’s toys tidy in a designated bin.
  • Maintain a neat front entryway by keeping leashes, shoes, and bags in a closet.
  • Keep your cat’s litter box fresh. Place a cover or drape over the box to insulate the energy of the kitty litter.
  • Place the litter box in the bathroom, and keep the door closed, which prevents energy from escaping down the drains. A “kitty door” may be beneficial.

Feng Shui Decorating Tips for Your Home

  • Match slipcovers to the furniture underneath. You don’t have to cover your beautiful sofa with an old blanket.
  • Try to match your pet’s bed to your other furniture.
  • For easier cleanup find rugs that match your pet’s coat.

Why Keeping a Pet is Good Feng Shui

Pets are good Feng Shui.

Their energy creates a more active, “yang” environment. Dogs also contribute to “protective energy”.

Additionally, petting animals give us and them positive Feng Shui energy.

Feng Shui adds balance and harmony to you and your pet’s life.

The Yin-Yang theory suggests everything consists of two opposing, but interconnected, forces. 

Yin is feminine, soft, passive, and nurturing.

Yang is masculine, hard, active, and aggressive.

Yin-Yang and Feng Shui are interconnected.

Feng Shui balances interior surroundings.

Tell us about your Feng Shui success stories!

Has a change in the placement of your pet’s bed made a difference in your home?

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