The Limited Ingredient Cat Food Recipe: Eastern Food Therapy Backed by Veterinarians

The Limited Ingredient Cat Food Recipe: Eastern Food Therapy Backed By Veterinarians

Have an itchy, scratchy cat? If so, allergies may be the culprit! And, if allergies are an issue, a limited ingredient cat food might help! Cat Allergy Symptoms Common allergy symptoms include: Constant licking Coughing Ear infections Itching Red, inflamed skin Vomiting and diarrhea Other surefire signs of allergies are itching, chronic skin infections, chronic […]

TCVM Energetically Cooling Cat Food Recipe: Food Therapy Backed by Veterinarians

TCVM Energetically Cooling Cat Food Recipe: Food Therapy Backed by Veterinarians

Cats needing a cooling cat food recipe have certain characteristics. For example: Is your cat’s appetite either inadequate or ravenous? Does your cat suffer from skin rashes, hives or redness? Does your cat have red, watery eyes and/or a dry coat? Is your cat restless at night, seeking cool places? If you answered “yes” to […]

TCVM Blood Building Cat Food Recipe: Food Therapy Backed by Veterinarians


  When you see the term “Blood deficiency,” the first thing that pops into your mind is anemia, right? Although anemia and Blood deficiency aren’t exactly the same, the concepts are similar. A blood building cat food recipe boosts your cat’s Blood and gets kitty feeling better fast.  What is TCVM Blood Deficiency in a […]

TCVM Warming Cat Food Recipe: Food Therapy Backed by Veterinarians


Has your cat become thin and weak? Has he stopped playing the way he used to? Is he sluggish osr depressed? If you answered yes to the above questions, your cat may be Qi deficient and need a warming cat food recipe. Qi Deficient Cats Need a Warming Diet Qi deficient cats are usually older. […]

TCVM Energetically Balanced Cat Food Recipe: Food Therapy Backed by Veterinarians

Image for TCVM Energetically Balanced Cat Food Recipe: Food Therapy Backed by Veterinarians

Looking for a Good Cat Food Recipe? If I told you feeding your cat a certain way could improve your cat’s health, longevity, and quality of life, would you believe me? “All disease begins in the Gut.” – Hippocrates What does Hippocrates mean? Scientific evidence indicates many chronic metabolic diseases begin in the gut. Poor […]

Energetically Warming Dog Food Recipe: Food Therapy Backed by Veterinarians

Energetically Warming Dog Food Recipe: Food Therapy Backed by Veterinarians

Understanding the Energetically Warming Dog Food Recipe You might wonder why your dog needs an energetically warming dog food recipe. I’m sure you know the saying, “I’m getting ALL FIRED UP!” Well, energetically speaking, the warming diet will help get your sluggish, under-active dog “all fired up.” The warming diet is designed specifically for Qi-deficient dogs. […]