Breathing, Food, and Skin: The Three Types of Cat Allergies
First and foremost, the absolute best strategy to employ for your cat with allergies is decreasing his exposure to allergens. The next step is to
Start a Food Diary: Eliminate Cat Food Allergies Today
You even notice the scratching almost always after meals. Vomiting and diarrhea are a weekly occurrence. But still, after much deliberation, you can’t really figure
Ear Hematomas: The Most Costly Cat Allergy Symptom
Ear hematomas are by far the most costly because they require surgery to correct. Ear hematomas, also known as auricular or aural hematomas, occur when
Phlegm Fat Formula Treats Cat Obesity and Shrinks Fatty Tumors
Some kitties just have trouble maintaining a normal weight. Also, cats with a healthy weight sometimes suffer from obtrusive fatty tumors. Luckily, Eastern medicine offers
Cat Allergy Quick and Easy Home Remedies
Take an aspirin, and your headache goes away in about an hour. Am I telling you to give your cat aspirin? NO! But sometimes,
Why Does Your Cat Miss the Litter Box?
Litter box misses and cat messes are disgusting! When your cat misses the litter box, also known as feline inappropriate elimination, your life turns upside
Cat Skin Allergies: How to Identify and Treat Symptoms
Cats with skin allergies are always licking and scratching. Skin allergies cause cats to lick the tail base, groin area, and their flanks. Sometimes, a cat’s
Stop the Itching and Scratching: Natural Remedies for Allergic Cats
You can easily make a moderately effective topical cat allergy skin treatment at home. Just mix together: 1 part vinegar 1 part water Then, either