Phlegm Fat Formula Treats Cat Obesity and Shrinks Fatty Tumors

Phlegm Fat Formula Treats Cat Obesity and Shrinks Fatty Tumors

Some kitties just have trouble maintaining a normal weight.

Also, cats with a healthy weight sometimes suffer from obtrusive fatty tumors.

Luckily, Eastern medicine offers a natural, herbal solution for cat obesity and fatty tumors.

Are you looking for a way to naturally treat cat obesity and fatty tumors?

Phlegm Fat Formula: Western Medicine Applications

Phlegm Fat Formula is a TCVM blend of 10 different herbs.

Even though Phlegm Fat Formula is a TCVM herbal blend, it still helps some Western diagnoses and symptoms.

Phlegm Fat Formula helps cats with the following Western diagnoses:

  • Obesity
  • Fatty Tumors.

Phlegm Fat Formula: Eastern Medicine Applications

Eastern medicine treats a disease’s root cause(s) rather than symptoms.

Accordingly, TCVM (Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine) vets use a different evaluation process than Western veterinarians.

For example, TCVM vets look for signs of imbalance rather than merely treating symptoms.

Phlegm Fat Formula helps dogs with the following TCVM signs:

  • Obesity
  • Fatty Tumors
  • Excess Dampness
  • Excess Phlegm.

According to TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) theory, obesity is caused by an accumulation of Phlegm and Dampness.

In TCM, Phlegm also includes the accumulation of unwanted products and toxins (excess fat and food residues) in the body. Dampness is the same as water retention in TCM theory.

Excess Phlegm and Dampness are caused by imbalances in the processes of food intake, digestion, and absorption.

In TVCM, fat is considered a direct product of Phlegm, being an accumulated fluid condensed into a more solid form.

The body’s Phlegm is caused by poor diet or a malfunction in the spleen, kidneys, and/or liver.

Phlegm Fat Formula Treats Your Cat’s Obesity and Fatty Tumors

Phlegm Fat Formula is a TCVM blend of 10 different Eastern herbs.

The herbs perform synergistically, balancing systems and meridians in the body.

Phlegm Fat Formula addresses the underlying causes of your dog’s illness or disease.

The underlying cause of any disease is always some type of imbalance.

Phlegm Fat Formula alleviates your dog’s imbalances and soothes the painful symptoms of illness and disease at the same time.

According to TCM theory, Phlegm Fat Formula heals by:

  • Clearing Damp
  • Transforming Phlegm.

The main ingredients in Phlegm Fat Formula are:

  • Ban Xia (Pinella) dries up Damp and transforms Phlegm.
  • Cang Zhu (Atractylodes) dries up Damp and strengthens Spleen.
  • Che Qian Cao (Plantago) clears Damp-Heat.
  • Chen Pi (Citrus) dries up Damp and moves Qi.
  • Da Fu Pi (Areca) clears Damp and resolves water retention.
  • Dong Qua Pi (Benincasa) clears Damp and transforms Phlegm.
  • Fu Ling (Poria) strengthens Spleen and benefits urination.
  • Xiang Fu (Cyperus) moves Qi and relieves pain.
  • Yi Yi Ren (Coix) clears Damp.
  • Ze Xie (Alisma) clears Damp.

Dr. Huisheng Xie, the founder of the Chi Institute in Reddick, FL, created Phlegm Fat Formula specifically for animals.

Phlegm Fat Formula is based on the ancient Chinese formula Er Chen Tang found in the text Tai Ping Hui Min He Ji Ju Fang (Imperial Grace Formulary of the Tai Ping Era) written in 1080 by Chen Shi-Wen et al.

Phlegm Fat Formula works best when combined with Eastern Food Therapy and moderate exercise.

Get Phlegm Fat Formula at TCVM Pet Supply

Note: Information on this site is provided for educational purposes only and is not meant to substitute the advice provided by your own veterinarian.

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