Breathing, Food, and Skin: The Three Types of Cat Allergies


First and foremost, the absolute best strategy to employ for your cat with allergies is decreasing his exposure to allergens. The next step is to address the symptoms caused by allergies. You can decrease allergen exposure and subsequent symptoms by: Using flea prevention Avoiding common allergens Making dietary changes Use Flea Prevention Every Month Fleas […]

Start a Food Diary: Eliminate Cat Food Allergies Today


You even notice the scratching almost always after meals. Vomiting and diarrhea are a weekly occurrence. But still, after much deliberation, you can’t really figure out why. She is even missing a patch of fur on her back. Her back eventually becomes red, swollen, and bloody because of his persistent licking. It looks painful, but […]

Cat Skin Allergies: How to Identify and Treat Symptoms

Cat Skin Allergies: How to Identify and Treat Symptoms

Cats with skin allergies are always licking and scratching. Skin allergies cause cats to lick the tail base, groin area, and their flanks. Sometimes, a cat’s hair falls out from the constant licking. Cats with skin allergies also continuously scratch their ears, neck, and head. Sometimes, if a cat’s allergies are really bad, small pustules spring […]

Study Proves Indoor Chemicals That Harm Cats: How to Alleviate Cat Allergies Naturally

Study Proves Indoor Chemicals Harm Cats: How to Alleviate Cat Allergies Naturally

A new study published in Environmental Science and Technology demonstrates indoor chemicals can harm cats. The study, from Stockholm University, establishes high levels of brominated flame retardants (BFRs) found in household dust negatively affect our cats. Previous studies show BFRs found in higher concentrations in the blood of cats with feline hyperthyroidism than healthy cats. […]

Why I Hate Dog Spleen Cancer (Splenic Hemangiosarcoma)

Why I Hate Dog Spleen Cancer (Splenic Hemangiosarcoma)

Why Dog Spleen Cancer Breaks My Heart What could be more devastating than the following: You come home from work, find your dog extremely ill, rush to the vet, and learn that you have to make a decision either to operate now or wait while your dog suffers. Unfortunately, stressful situations like the above occur […]

Curtail Feline Tumors With Max’s Formula TCVM Herbal Remedy

Curtail Feline Tumors With Max’s Formula TCVM Herbal Remedy

Max’s Formula Reduces Feline Tumors Are feline tumors a problem? Well, maybe yes and maybe no. As cats age, they often get lumps and bumps. In veterinary medicine, lumps and bumps are called masses or tumors. Not all tumors are cancerous, but some tumors are. Some common causes of cat lumps and bumps are: Abscesses Fatty […]