Curtail Feline Tumors With Max’s Formula TCVM Herbal Remedy

Curtail Feline Tumors With Max’s Formula TCVM Herbal Remedy

Max’s Formula Reduces Feline Tumors

Are feline tumors a problem? Well, maybe yes and maybe no.

As cats age, they often get lumps and bumps.

In veterinary medicine, lumps and bumps are called masses or tumors.

Not all tumors are cancerous, but some tumors are.

Some common causes of cat lumps and bumps are:

Of course, only your veterinarian can diagnose exactly what type of tumor your cat has.

Max’s Formula: Western Philosophy

Luckily, Eastern medicine offers a natural, herbal solution for cat tumors, lumps, and bumps.

Max’s Formula is a TCVM blend of 7 different herbs.

Even though Max’s Formula is a TCVM blend, it still helps symptoms of some Western medical diagnoses.

Max’s Formula helps cats with the following Western diagnoses:

  • Fatty tumors
  • Lumps
  • Nodules
  • Skin masses on old or weak animals

Max’s Formula: Eastern Philosophy

Eastern medicine treats a disease’s root cause(s) rather than simply alleviate symptoms.

Accordingly, TCVM (Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine) vets use a different evaluation process than Western veterinarians.

TCVM vets look for signs of imbalance.

Max’s Formula helps cats with the following TCVM imbalances:

  • Blood stagnation and/or stasis
  • Weak pulse
  • Swelling or nodules of the local glands
  • Swelling or nodules of the internal organs
  • Pale tongue

How Max’s Formula Reduces Feline Tumors

Max’s Formula is a Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine blend of eight Eastern herbs.

The herbs work together, balancing the systems and meridians in your cat’s body.

Max’s Formula addresses the underlying causes of your cat’s illness or disease.

In TCVM, the underlying cause of any disease is always some type of imbalance somewhere in the body.

The imbalance is often in a different location than where symptoms reside.

Max’s Formula alleviates your cat’s imbalances and soothes the painful symptoms of illness and disease at the same time.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, tumors, nodules, and lumps are considered to be Blood stasis and stagnation.

The main treatment strategy is removing Blood stasis.

Max’s Formula, along with another formula called Stasis Breaker, works very well together.

The formulas are often used together to treat neoplasia (formation or presence of new, abnormal tissue growth), nodules, and tumors.

Max’s Formula is recommended for small tumors or nodules especially in older animals with a tendency toward Qi Deficiency.

What Are the Ingredients in Max’s Formula?

The main ingredients in Max’s Formula are:

  • Bai Zhi clears Wind-Cold and relieves pain
  • Da Huang clears stagnation/stasis and clears heat
  • Jie Geng opens the Upper Jiao and transforms phlegm
  • Mu Li softens hardness and clears mass
  •  Tian Hua Fen clears Heat and promotes body fluids
  • Xia Ku Cao clears Liver Heat and resolves nodules
  • Xuan Shen clears Heat and cool Blood
  • Zhe Bei Mu softens hardness and clears nodules

Dr. Huisheng Xie, the founder of the Chi Institute in Reddick, FL, created Max’s Formula specifically for animals.

Dr. Xie based Max’s Formula on the ancient Chinese formula Nei Xiao Luo Li San found in the text Yi Xue Fa Ming (Medical Innovations) written in 1115-1234 by Li Ao.

Max’s Formula and other TCVM herbs work best when combined with Eastern Food Therapy, plenty of water, and case-appropriate exercise.

Get Max’s Formula at TCVM Pet Supply

Powerful Tools  for Overcoming Cat Cancer Challenges

You might not be aware, but many cancer-fighting tools are easy to get and use at home. 

To realize your true cancer-fighting potential:

Note:  Information on this site is provided for educational purposes only and is not meant the o substitute advice provided by your own veterinarian.


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