Love to Walk Your Dog? Research Proves the Scientific Reason


Don’t you just love to walk your dog? It’s your favorite morning activity and the best way to spend an afternoon. Researchers sought to uncover what makes this activity so pleasurable? Do dog owners enjoy the exercise? Are dog owners more athletic than non-dog owners? The study reveals dog owners walk their pups simply for […]

New Study Says A Dog Sleeping In Bed With You is OK!


How Do You Feel About Sleeping with Dogs? Are you OK with your dog sleeping with you? Dog owners fall into two categories. Some of us enjoy our snorey dog sleeping in our beds. Some of us keep our pups in a separate room. Sometimes it’s we don’t want dogs in our bed after we […]

Study Says Dogs Lie to Get the Best: Feed Holistic Dog Food!


Yep, believe it or not, dogs lie! Pet owners know their furry friends have them wrapped around their fingers – er, paws. Does your dog look extra cute before you leave for work? Or maybe he plays dead to get carried home on a long walk? A scientific study has recently confirmed what we all […]

Why is Copper in Dog Food?

Why is Copper in Dog Food?

Copper is A Common Dog Food Ingredient Commercial pet food contains numerous vitamins and minerals. Why are they all in there? Each nutrient has its own function. Why is copper in dog food? Copper is necessary for a number of important bodily functions. Copper helps dogs’ form bones, connective tissue, collagen, and myelin, which coats […]

Why Entertaining Bored Pets is Part of Holistic Pet Parenting

Image for Why Entertaining Bored Pets is Part of Holistic Pet Parenting

Are Bored Pets an Issue? In a new essay, an animal behaviorist suggests pets staying at home for long hours experience boredom. Charlotte C. Burn, a biologist at The Royal Veterinary College of the University of London, wrote in the August issue of Animal Behaviour about how companion dogs and even farmed pigs feel boredom. […]

How Animal Empathy Encourages Human Healing

How Animal Empathy Encourages Human Healing

Anecdotally, most people recognize empathetic responses in their pets.  If you have a pet, you’ve most likely already experienced animal empathy. Maybe your dog lays by your feet when you’re not feeling well. Perhaps your cat nuzzles your face when you’ve had a bad day. Now, scientific research confirms animals ranging from pigs to horses not […]