Su Zi Jiang Qi Inhibits Feline Asthma

Image for Su Zi Jiang Qi Inhibits Feline Asthma

What is Feline Asthma? Feline asthma occurs when cats inhale allergens. When an asthma-prone cat inhales an allergen, its body creates antibodies targeting that particular allergen. Then, when the cat is re-exposed to the same particular allergen, the antibodies react, bringing immune cells into the airways. In turn, the immune response produces substances that promote […]

Di Tan Tang: Herbal Therapy for Equine Seizures

Herbal Therapy for Equine Seizures

Watching a beloved animal suffer from seizures is a terrible, frightening experience. Unfortunately, equine seizures are a common experience and have many different causes. Causes of Equine Seizures Simplified, an equine seizure is a misfiring of brain signals. Usually, after the seizure, the horse gradually returns to normal and standing within just a few minutes. […]

Su Zi Jiang Qi Herbal Formula Helps Canine Tracheal Collapse

Su Zi Jiang Qi Herbal Formula Helps Canine Tracheal Collapse

Tracheal collapse is a permanent, chronic, and progressive disease affecting mostly small-breed dogs. What is Tracheal Collapse Put simply, tracheal collapse is when a dog’s trachea flattens out causing difficult breathing. A dog’s trachea is a flexible tube, similar to a vacuum cleaner hose. The trachea has small cartilage rings that help keep the airway open. […]

Curtail Feline Tumors With Max’s Formula TCVM Herbal Remedy

Curtail Feline Tumors With Max’s Formula TCVM Herbal Remedy

Max’s Formula Reduces Feline Tumors Are feline tumors a problem? Well, maybe yes and maybe no. As cats age, they often get lumps and bumps. In veterinary medicine, lumps and bumps are called masses or tumors. Not all tumors are cancerous, but some tumors are. Some common causes of cat lumps and bumps are: Abscesses Fatty […]

TCVM Herbal Double P II Curbs Horse Back Pain

TCVM Herbal Double P II Curbs Horse Back Pain

If you experience sudden-onset temperament and performance issues while riding, you might what to check for horseback pain. Unfortunately, horses can’t talk. And, they don’t always express the pain in ways easy for us humans to understand. If your horse is suddenly acting different, it just might be a back problem. What is Causes Horse Back […]

Di Tan Tang Calms Cat Seizures

Di Tan Tang Calms Cat Seizures

Watching your beloved cat suffer from seizures is a very disturbing experience! Unfortunately, cat seizures are quite common and have many different causes. Causes of Feline Seizures A simple explanation of a feline seizure is a sudden, abnormal, and disorganized discharge of electrical signals from a cat’s brain cells. Cats have seizures for many different […]