Can Dogs Have Cranberry Juice?

Can Dogs Have Cranberry Juice?

Can Dogs Have Cranberry Juice? Cranberry juice can be safe for dogs to consume in moderation, but it’s not typically necessary or recommended as a regular part of their diet. If you’re considering giving cranberry juice to your dog, it’s important to consult with your veterinarian first. Your vet will provide guidance based on your […]

How Eastern Medicine Helps Ringbone in Horses

How Eastern Medicine Helps Ringbone in Horses

What is Ringbone in Horses? Ringbone is a condition that affects horses and is characterized by the development of bony growths around the pastern or coffin joints in their legs. These growths, called osteophytes, form along the edges of the joint and can cause pain, lameness, and reduced range of motion. There are two types […]

When to Euthanize a Dog with Kidney Failure (Western vs. Eastern Perspective)

When to Euthanize a Dog with Kidney Failure (Western vs. Eastern Perspective)

The decision regarding when to euthanize a dog with kidney failure can be influenced by various factors, including the perspectives of Western veterinary medicine and Eastern Medicine, aka Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM). Please understand individual veterinarians may have different approaches and viewpoints, so the guidelines below are general tendencies rather than absolute rules. Below […]

Joint Lubricants: The Secret to Dog Arthritis Pain Relief

The Secret to Dog Arthritis Pain Relief

How Do Joint Lubricants Help Arthritis? Joint lubricants supply the joint fluid with the precursor molecules needed to make more joint fluid. I use both of these products all the time and often use them together: Hyaluronic Acid Adequan Hyaluronic Acid (Brand Name: Legend) Injectable Joint Lubricants The first injectable joint lubricant for dog arthritis […]

Treatment Options for Canine Lung Cancer

Treatment Options for Lung Cancer in Dogs

How to Treat Canine Lung Cancer Canine lung cancer is fairly uncommon but it does occur. It occurs when carcinomas develop in the lung epithelial tissue. Lung cancer develops directly in the lung tissue, or in the bronchioles and airways. Dog lung cancer is aggressive and often spreads to the lymph nodes and thoracic tissues.  The […]

What to Know about Dog Tumor Grades and Stages

What to Know about Dog Tumor Grades and Stages

In diagnosing dog cancer, dog tumor testing often helps determine the type and severity of cancer. If sent to a lab, the pathologist will label a dog tumor with a “grade” and your veterinarian will assign a “stage” to your dog’s cancer.  The grade describes how differentiated the cells are and how aggressive cancer appears. Grade […]