Discover 7 Conditions of Overweight Pets

Discover 7 Conditions of Overweight Pets

It’s hard for all of us to look into those sweet little eyes and say “no” to our pets, especially when it comes to food.

Heavy Characters of Overweight Pets

There is the grazer: “Oh, I just can’t be expected to eat all this at one time. I must go lay down and rest, then I’ll go back.”

We all know a beggar and drooler: “I am going to sit right here, stare at you forlornly, and make a puddle of drool until you give me a treat.”

The goody-two-shoes: “I perform the same foolish tricks for you and your people night and day so I can get a treat.”

Finally, the food snob: “I cannot possibly eat THAT! I must have my food hand-fed to me while you wear a white apron.”

No matter what character your pet becomes, keeping him at a healthy weight is key to his wellbeing.

Half of All Pets Are Overweight

Indulging your overweight pet’s sweet tooth or love for table scraps can impact his life substantially. Being slightly pudgy can potentially take a few years off his life.

57.9% of cats and 52.7% of dogs are overweight or obese, according to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention.

When you compare human weight gain and pet weight gain, the math paints a very frightening picture.

Did you know that a one-pound weight gain for a domestic short-haired cat is equivalent to an adult human female gaining 15 pounds?

If your male Labrador retriever is 10% overweight, that is the equivalent of an adult human male gaining 17 pounds.

In either case, the human needs a whole new wardrobe!

Most of us gauge our weight by how our clothes fit over time. It’s a little harder to judge if your pet needs to lose a few pounds.

Ah, a few pounds overweight isn’t a big deal, is it?

For a pet, weight gain is serious.

7 Painful and Chronic Conditions Related to Pet Obesity:

  • Diabetes
  • Osteoarthritis
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart and respiratory disease
  • Cranial cruciate ligament injury
  • Kidney disease
  • Cancer

As with people, the keys to preventing overweight pets are portion control, eating a healthy meal and well-balanced diet, and exercise.

Overeating is the single most threatening condition of your pet that you can control. This is also one reason for having overweight pets.

Food Can Heal or Harm

Many things are out of your control and can negatively affect your pet. Too much food is an easy thing to fix.

Take the time to understand how food heals- you just might improve your own weight, too!

Feed With A Purpose

Food is the balancing agent between a pet that thrives or just exists.

Proactive Ways to Help Your Pet

Get PET | TAO Food Therapy Products at TCVM Pet Supply


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