Energetically Warming Dog Food Recipe: Food Therapy Backed by Veterinarians

Energetically Warming Dog Food Recipe: Food Therapy Backed by Veterinarians

Understanding the Energetically Warming Dog Food Recipe You might wonder why your dog needs an energetically warming dog food recipe. I’m sure you know the saying, “I’m getting ALL FIRED UP!” Well, energetically speaking, the warming diet will help get your sluggish, under-active dog “all fired up.” The warming diet is designed specifically for Qi-deficient dogs. […]

Meet the TCVM Veterinarians: Dr. Casey Damron and Dr. Marc Smith

Meet the TCVM Veterinarians: Dr. Casey Damron and Dr. Marc Smith

We have been friends for a long time – since 1994 to be exact! My clinics sit a mere 13 miles from Casey’s clinic. We share medical cases. So, we know each other well. Yet, it was back in 2006 when our career paths changed. In 2006, we both went back to school to learn […]

TCVM Blood Building Dog Food Recipe: Food Therapy Backed by Veterinarians

Image for TCVM Blood Building Dog Food Recipe: Food Therapy Backed by Veterinarians

Do You Need Blood Buiding Dog Food? Why would you need blood-building dog food? When you see the term “Blood Deficiency,” the first thing that pops into your mind is anemia, right? Although anemia and blood deficiency aren’t the same thing, thinking this way leads you in the right direction. What Is TCVM Blood Deficiency […]

Discover 7 Conditions of Overweight Pets

Discover 7 Conditions of Overweight Pets

It’s hard for all of us to look into those sweet little eyes and say “no” to our pets, especially when it comes to food. Heavy Characters of Overweight Pets There is the grazer: “Oh, I just can’t be expected to eat all this at one time. I must go lay down and rest, then I’ll […]

TCVM Energetically Cooling Dog Food Recipe: Food Therapy Backed by Veterinarians

TCVM Energetically Cooling Dog Food Recipe: Food Therapy Backed by Veterinarians

I’m sure you’ve been here before. You’re cranky, stressed, and running around like a “chicken with its head cut off.” You’re wound so tight that you’re exhausting yourself. You Need to CHILL OUT! Energetically speaking, the cooling diet actually helps dogs “chill out.” The energetically cooling diet is designed especially for Yin deficient dogs. For example, […]

TCVM Energetically Balanced Dog Food Recipe: Food Therapy Backed by Veterinarians

TCVM Energetically Balanced Dog Food Recipe: Food Therapy Backed by Veterinarians

“All disease begins in the Gut.” – Hippocrates We agree! We also believe that one of the main causes of disease is food. Poor nutrition and imprudent food choices lead to energetic imbalance and poor health. If your dog is generally balanced and healthy, a TCVM energetically balanced dog food recipe maintains its state of […]