Ear Damp Heat TCVM Formula Eases Dog Ear Infections

Ear Damp Heat TCVM Formula Eases Dog Ear Infections

Dog ear canals are vertical, rather than horizontal like human ear canals. The horizontal placement of a dog’s ear canal makes it easy for moisture and debris to collect, causing overgrowth of bacteria and yeast, and subsequent ear infections. Other factors making dogs susceptible to ear infections include: Allergies Ear mites Excessive hair in ears […]

Ear Hematomas: The Most Costly Cat Allergy Symptom

Ear Hematomas: The Most Costly Cat Allergy Symptom

Ear hematomas are by far the most costly because they require surgery to correct. Ear hematomas, also known as auricular or aural hematomas, occur when blood and fluid accumulate in the pinna, or flap, of the ear. Cats’ external ears have a layer of skin on either side of a layer of cartilage, with blood […]

Ear Damp Heat Formula: Herbal Remedy for Cat Ear Infections and Itchy Ears

Ear Damp Heat Formula: Herbal Remedy for Cat Ear Infections and Itchy Ears

Or, even worse, an ear infection. Cat ear infections sometimes become chronic issues and may lead to deafness or facial paralysis. Symptoms include: Black or yellowish discharge from the ears Hearing loss Loss of balance or disorientation Redness or swelling of the ear flap or ear canal Strong odor from the ears A waxy buildup […]