Cervical Formula Herbal Therapy Soothes Wobbler’s Syndrome in Horses

Cervical Formula Herbal Therapy Soothes Wobbler’s Syndrome in Horses

A horse suffering from Wobbler’s syndrome has an uncoordinated gait and a lack of physical awareness of his limbs and their placement.

Sometimes, the disease progresses to a devastating situation in which the horse crashes into things or can’t even stand up.

What is Wobbler’s Syndrome?

Various malformations of the cervical vertebrae cause Wobbler’s Syndrome in horses.

The spine malformations cause weakness, pain, and stiffness leading to an unsteady or wobbly gait.

Hence, the name “Wobbler’s” Syndrome.

Some signs of Wobbler’s Syndrome in horses are:

  • Abnormal wear of front hooves
  • “Bunny hopping” when cantering
  • Excessive movement of the tail while trotting
  • Excessive stumbling
  • Knuckling of hind legs when stopping
  • Outward rotation of back hooves while going uphill
  • Unusual sores on the front heels from overreaching.

  The standard treatment options for Wobbler’s syndrome in horses vary depending on the severity of the condition and the specific needs of the individual horse.    Below are some commonly used Western veterinary treatments.  

Conservative Management

In mild cases, conservative management may be sufficient. This approach typically involves strict stall rest or limited turnout to minimize movement and reduce the risk of further injury. Anti-inflammatory medications and physical therapy exercises may also be prescribed to manage pain and promote muscle strength.

Surgical Intervention

In more severe cases of Wobbler’s syndrome, surgery may be necessary. The two main surgical procedures used are ventral slot surgery and cervical stabilization. Ventral slot surgery involves removing a portion of the affected vertebra to alleviate compression on the spinal cord. Cervical stabilization procedures, such as fusion or stabilization with screws and rods, aim to stabilize the affected vertebrae.


Medications may be prescribed to manage pain, reduce inflammation, and support nerve function. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as phenylbutazone or flunixin meglumine, are commonly used. Medications like corticosteroids or muscle relaxants may also be administered to alleviate inflammation or muscle spasms.

Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy

Physical therapy and rehabilitation programs can play an essential role in recovering horses with Wobbler’s syndrome. This may include exercises to improve balance, coordination, and muscle strength. Techniques such as aqua-treadmills, therapeutic ultrasound, laser therapy, and acupuncture may also be used as part of the rehabilitation process.

Nutritional Management

Proper nutrition is crucial for horses with Wobbler’s syndrome. The horse’s diet should be evaluated and adjusted as needed to ensure appropriate levels of vitamins, minerals, and protein. Weight management may also be necessary to prevent excessive stress on the affected vertebrae.

Fortunately, you can holistically help your horse’s neck pain with the TCVM (Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine) herbal blend Cervical Formula.

Cervical Formula: Western Medicine Applications

Cervical Formula is a TCVM blend of nine different herbs.

Even though Cervical Formula is a TCVM blend, it still helps symptoms of some Western diagnoses.

Cervical Formula helps horses with the following:

  • Stiff neck
  • Neck injuries
  • Wobbler’s Syndrome
  • Cervical fibrocartilaginous issues.

Cervical Formula: Eastern Medicine Applications

Eastern Medicine treats a disease’s root cause(s) rather than symptoms.

Accordingly, TCVM vets use a different evaluation process than Western veterinarians.

TCVM vets look for signs of imbalance.

Cervical Formula helps horses with the following TCVM signs:

  • Neck pain and stiffness
  • Cervical Qi stagnation
  • Blood stagnation
  • A purple tongue
  • Tight or wiry pulse.

How Cervical Formula Soothes Wobbler’s Syndrome in Horses

Cervical Formula’s blend of nine different herbs performs synergistically, balancing systems and meridians in the body.

Cervical Formula addresses the underlying causes of your horse’s illness or disease.

The underlying cause of any disease is always some type of imbalance.

Cervical Formula alleviates your horse’s imbalances and soothes the painful symptoms of illness and disease at the same time.

The main ingredients in Cervical Formula are:

  • Bai Shao Yao (Paeonia, aka peony) nourishes Blood.
  • Chuan Xiong (Ligusticum, aka lovage root) activates Blood and relieves pain.
  • Dang Gui Wei (Angelica) nourishes and activates Blood.
  • Gan Cao (Glycyrrhiza, aka licorice) harmonizes.
  • Ge Gen (Pueraria) clears Wind-Heat and benefits the neck.
  • Gui Zhi (Cinnamomum, aka cinnamon) warms the Channels and relieves pain.
  • Ji Xue Teng (Millettia) nourishes and activates Blood.
  • Mu Gua (Chaenomeles, aka flowering quince) dissipates stagnation and benefits the Channels.
  • Qiang Huo (Notopterygium) benefits the neck.

Dr. Huisheng Xie, the founder of the Chi Institute in Reddick, FL, created Cervical Formula specifically for animals.

Dr. Xie based the formula on knowledge gleaned from his Chinese Medicine practice.

Get Cervical Formula at TCVM Pet Supply

Note: Information on our site is provided for educational purposes only and is not meant to substitute the advice provided by your own veterinarian.

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