Dok’s Formula Herbal Blend Eases Arthritis in Horses

Dok’s Formula Herbal Blend Eases Arthritis in Horses

Arthritis in Horses

Arthritis in horses is a debilitating disease. 

Sometimes, arthritis appears suddenly after an injury.

Or, it may manifest gradually, with increased stiffness.

Either way, the recurring inflammation leads to permanent degeneration of the horse’s cartilage and joints.

Unfortunately, the damage is irreversible.

Best treatment options are management techniques enabling horses to work longer and live more comfortably with arthritis.

Signs of horse arthritis include:

  • Changes in behavior or unwillingness to perform routine tasks
  • Subtle changes in movement, such as:
    • Shorter stride
    • Hallowed back
    • Odd head movements
  • Stiffness dissipating after your horse warms up
  • Warmth and puffiness around joints

Luckily, Eastern medicine offers a natural, herbal solution for arthritis in horses

Dok’s Formula: Western Medicine Applications

Dok’s Formula is a TCVM (Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine) blend of 16 different herbs.

Even though Dok’s Formula is a TCVM herbal blend, it still helps symptoms of some Western diagnoses.

Dok’s Formula helps horses with the following Western diagnoses:

  • Arthritis
  • Chronic joint pain
  • Degenerative joint disease
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Intervertebral disc disease
  • Rheumatism

Dok’s Formula: Eastern Medicine Applications

Eastern medicine treats a disease’s root cause(s) rather than symptoms.

Accordingly, TCVM vets use a different evaluation process than Western veterinarians.

TCVM vets look for signs of imbalance.

Dok’s Formula helps horses with the following TCVM signs:

  • Bi syndromes
  • Cold-Bi syndrome
  • Kidney Qi/Yang Deficiency with Wind-Cold-Damp
  • Pale or purple tongue
  • Weak back


Do not give Dok’s Formula to horses with excessive thirst or heat intolerance.

Stop using Dok’s formula if your horse develops gastrointestinal distress.

How Dok’s Formula Eases Arthritis in Horses

Dok’s Formula is a TCVM blend of 16 different Eastern herbs.

The herbs perform synergistically, balancing systems and meridians in the body.

Dok’s Formula addresses the underlying causes of your horse’s illness or disease.

The underlying cause of any disease is always some type of imbalance.

Dok’s Formula alleviates your horse’s imbalances and soothes the painful symptoms of illness and disease at the same time.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, Dok’s Formula heals by:

  • Tonifying (strengthen) Kidney Yang
  • Dispelling wind, damp and cold
  • Invigorating Qi and Blood
  • Warming the Channels
  • Relieving pain

What Are The Ingredients in Dok’s Formula?

The main ingredients in Dok’s Formula are:

  • Ba Ji Tian (Morinda, aka morinda root) tonifies Kidney Yang and strengthens the bones
  • Bu Gu Zhi (Psoralea, aka scurf-pea) tonifies Kidney Yang
  • Chuan Niu Xi (Cyathula, aka Sichuan ox knee root) supports Kidneys and strengthens leg bones
  • Chuan Xiong (Ligusticum, aka Sichuan lovage rhizome) invigorates Blood and relieves pain
  • Dang Gui (Angelica, aka Angelica root) invigorates Blood and relieves pain
  • Du Huo (Angelica, aka pubescent angelica root) dispels Wind, Cold, and Dampness and relieves pain
  • Du Zhong (Eucommia, aka Eucommia bark) tonifies Kidney Qi and Yang and strengthens the back
  • Gan Cao (Glycyrrhiza, aka licorice) harmonizes all other herbs
  • Gu Sui Bu (Drynaria, aka bone knit root) tonifies Kidney Yang and benefits bones
  • Qiang Huo (Notopterygium root) dispels Wind, Cold and Damp
  • Rou Dou Kou (Myristica, aka nutmeg) to warm Spleen and Kidney
  • Rou Gui (Cinnamomum, aka cinnamon) warms channels and relieves pain
  • Wu Yao (Lindera) invigorates and warms Qi
  • Xiao Hui Xiang (Foeniculum, aka fennel seed) warms back and relieves pain
  • Xu Duan (Dipsacus, aka Japanese teasel root) tonifies Kidney and strengthens bone
  • Ze Zie (Alisma, aka water plantain) drains damp and benefits Bladder

Dr. Huisheng Xie, the founder of the Chi Institute in Reddick, FL, created Dok’s Formula specifically for animals. 

Dr. Xie based the formula on the ancient Chinese formula Du Huo Ji Sheng, written in 652 AD by Sun Si-Miao.

However, Dok’s Formula works best when combined with plenty of water and moderate exercise.

Note:  Information on this site is provided for educational purposes only and is not meant to substitute the advice provided by your own veterinarian.

Get Dok’s Formula at TCVM Pet Supply

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