TCVM Energetically Balanced Dog Food Recipe: Food Therapy Backed by Veterinarians

TCVM Energetically Balanced Dog Food Recipe: Food Therapy Backed by Veterinarians

“All disease begins in the Gut.” – Hippocrates

We agree! We also believe that one of the main causes of disease is food. Poor nutrition and imprudent food choices lead to energetic imbalance and poor health. If your dog is generally balanced and healthy, a TCVM energetically balanced dog food recipe maintains its state of energetic balance and harmony.

What is an Energetically Balanced, Healthy Dog?

A balanced and healthy dog has a very clear and defined mental state, no outward signs of disease, and a perfect balance of Yin and Yang in the body.

The classic signs of balance and health in dogs are:

  • No outward signs of health problems
  • Clear emotional component
  • Clear skin
  • Clear, focused eyes
  • Breath that doesn’t smell
  • A pinkish-red tongue with a mild amount of saliva
  • Pet easily adapts to different environments

The goal of food therapy is creating and maintaining balance in an animal’s body. Animals that are already balanced do very well on an energetically balanced or “neutral” diet.

TCVM Energetically Neutral Foods

Eastern Food Therapy maintains your dog’s energetic balance.

A nutritionally balanced canine diet contains:

  • 60% – 80% Protein – mostly from meat
  • 20% – 40% Carbohydrates – from grains, vegetables, and fruit
  • A minimum of 2% fat

Use the list of foods below to create endless delicious recipe combinations for your furry friend!

Mix up the ingredients as needed to create a food that your dog loves.

You can easily track the protein, carbohydrate, and fat ratios in an online food log like those found on Fitbit and Livestrong websites.

TCVM Energetically Neutral/Balanced Foods

The food on the lists below are neutral/balanced food choices for making dog food.

Meats/Protein Source

  • Beef, beef liver
  • Pork (liver, kidneys)
  • Quail
  • Goose
  • Pigeon
  • Chicken eggs
  • Fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel, carp, sardines)
  • Milk
  • Wild Rabbit
  • Tripe


  • Beetroot
  • Broccoli
  • Carrot
  • Cabbage
  • Chinese cabbage
  • Apple
  • Cauliflower
  • Asparagus
  • String beans
  • Green beans
  • Green peas


  • Black Beans: 1 1/4 cups dry black beans + 3 3/4 cups water = 1 1/2 lbs cooked black beans
  • Broad Beans: 1 1/2 cups dry broad beans + 4 1/2 cups water = 1 1/2 lbs cooked broad beans
  • Bulgur: 1 3/4 cups dry bulgur +  3 1/2 cups of water = 1 1/2 lbs of cooked bulgur
  • Corn
  • Kidney Beans: 1 1/4 cups dry kidney beans + 3 3/4 cups water = 1 1/2 lbs cooked kidney beans
  • Potato
  • Peanuts
  • Red Beans: 1 1/4 cups dry red beans + 3 1/2 cups water = 1 1/2 lbs cooked red beans
  • Rye: 1 1/2 cups uncooked rye + 4 1/2 cups water = 1 1/2 lbs cooked rye
  • Soybeans: 1 3/4 cups dry soybeans + 5 cups water = 1 1/2 lbs cooked soybeans
  • White rice: 1 1/4 cups dry white rice + 2 1/2 cups of water = 1 1/2 lbs of cooked white rice
  • Yam


  • Olive oil
  • Black sesame oil

TCVM Energetically Balanced Dog Food Recipe

Mix and match the ingredients above to create a meal your dog loves!

The basic formula for the homemade dog food recipe is:

  • 5 pounds from the “Meat/Proteins” list
  • 1 1/2 pounds from the “Fruit/Vegetables” list
  • 1 1/2 pounds from the “Grains/Beans/Starch” list
  • 1 tablespoon from the “Fats” list

Sample Recipe

  • 5 pounds of meat (see “Meat/Poteins” list above)
  • 1 1/2 pounds of vegetables (see “Fruits/Vegetables” list above)
  • 1 1/2 pounds white potato (see “Grains/Beans/Starch” list above.)
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon ground flaxseed
  • 1 teaspoon rosemary
  • 1 teaspoon clove
  • 1 teaspoon basil


Debone and chop meat and vegetables.

Place all ingredients in crockpot layering:

  • Slow-cooking root vegetables on the bottom
  • Meat in the middle
  • Fast-cooking items on top

Top with 1 cup water.

Cook on low for 4 hours.

In addition, add the following to your pet’s diet:

  • Calcium supplement 50mg/kg of body weight (22mg/lb of body weight) per day. Some other good choices for calcium are eggshell powder or bone meal.

Feeding Schedule:

  • Feed roughly 1.5 cups per 25 pounds of body weight twice daily.
  • Monitor your pet’s weight. If an undesirable weight loss occurs, please contact your veterinarian immediately so that you can make an adjustment in the feeding/diet plan.

Don’t Have Time to Cook? Order The Food Already Made!

Please consult with your veterinarian and use personal judgment when cooking at home for your dog. Even though pet food recalls and the poor quality of some pet foods are a concern, many veterinarians voice concerns over homemade diets. Some vets feel that when fed exclusively, homemade diets may result in vitamin/mineral deficiencies that can adversely affect a pet’s health. If you choose to feed your dog a homemade diet, you must understand and meet your dog’s needs to stay healthy. Please share our recipe with your veterinarian. Your veterinarian can advise you on supplements for your pet’s individual situation. Monitor your dog’s health by observing his/her temperament, skin, coat, and waste. If you notice anything strange, contact your veterinarian immediately.

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