How to Get Rid of Cat Allergies Naturally Using Eastern Medicine

How to Get Rid of Cat Allergies Naturally Using Eastern Medicine

How to Get Rid of Cat Allergies Naturally: Good News and Bad News So, you want to get rid of cat allergies naturally? Well, we have some good news and some bad news. Let’s get the bad news over with first. While working in the clinic with PET | TAO co-founder Dr. Marc Smith, I […]

Free Dog Allergies Instant Download – Help Your Dog Feel Better

Free Dog Allergies Instant Download

Free Instant Download: Dog Allergies 101 Learn How to Help Your Dog’s Allergies at Home Easy At-Home Things to Try – Written by Holistic TCVM Veterinarians For A Limited Time Only – Free Dog Allergies Instant Download [pardot-form height=”650″ id=”10994″ title=”PETTAO Dog Allergies Ebook Form”] Dog Allergies 100 :How to Stop the Itching, Scratching, Licking […]

Free Cat Allergies Instant Download – Help Your Cat Feel Better

Free Cat Allergies Instant Download - Help Your Cat Feel Better Graphic

Learn How to Help Your Cat’s Allergies at Home Get Your Free Cat Allergies Instant Download Today Easy At-Home Things to Try – Written by Holistic TCVM Veterinarians For A Limited Time Only – Get It Free! Free Instant Download – Cat Allergies 101: How to Stop the Itching, Scratching, and Throwing Up (MRSP $9.99) […]

External Wind Herbal Formula Eases Dog Flea Allergies


What Are Dog Flea Allergies? Fleas make most dogs itch. But, some dogs are actually allergic to flea bites. In medical terms, veterinarians call it “flea allergy dermatitis (FAD)” or “flea bite sensitivity”. If your dog is allergic, a single bite can wreak havoc. Many people think the fleas crawling around on the dogs’ skin […]

TCVM Herbal Remedy for Skin Allergies in Cats: Damp-Heat Skin Formula

TCVM Herbal Remedy for Skin Allergies in Cats: Damp Heat Skin Formula

After a cat is exposed to an allergen, subsequent exposure causes hypersensitivity reactions. However, hypersensitivity reactions are not all the same. Hypersensitivity reactions (allergic reactions) vary depending on the cat’s individual immune system characteristics. The following are common symptoms of skin allergies in cats: Ear infections and excessive ear discharge Greasy feel to the body, […]

TCVM Wind Toxin Herbal Formula Soothes Feline Skin Allergies

TCVM Wind Toxin Herbal Formula Soothes Feline Skin Allergies

Licking and scratching are the two most common symptoms of feline skin allergies. Licking is usually focused in the areas of the flank (sides), the base of the tail, and groin area. If left untreated, cats often lick until the itchy areas become bald. Because untreated cats constantly lick and scratch, sores develop in the […]