Double P II Herbal Blend Helps Dogs with IVDD

Double P II Herbal Blend Helps Dogs with IVDD

Intervertebral disk disease (IVDD) causes several different types of symptoms in dogs.

Symptoms range from signs of mild pain to paralysis (partial or complete).

Most canine IVDD cases fall somewhere between the two extremes.

Dog IVDD signs often mimic signs of severely ruptured disks caused trauma, but the cause is different.

IVDD occurs more commonly in several particular breeds.

However, IVDD can occur in any breed or mix of breeds and in dogs of any age or gender.

Unfortunately, IVDD often leads to permanent nerve damage, which is why it is very important to recognize and intervene as soon as possible.

What Is IVDD in Dogs?

IVDD is a form of spinal degeneration located in the cervical (neck) or thoracolumbar (upper and lower back) areas of the spinal column.

It occurs when a spinal disc becomes problematic and the material inside slips out into the spinal column.

The slippage causes pain, nerve damage, and sometimes even paralysis.

Dog IVDD Symptoms

Dogs with IVDD display variable symptoms.

Pet parents might notice one or more of the symptoms listed below.

Symptoms may appear abruptly, gradually, or intermittently.

Canine IVDD symptoms include:

  • Neck stiffness and/or pain
  • Keeping head lowered
  • Back stiffness and/or pain
  • Yelping while being touched or trying to move
  • Tender and/or tense abdomen
  • Arched back or hunched back posture
  • Sensitivity to touch or acting abnormally aggressive when touched
  • Not wanting to move around much
  • Inappropriate, incomplete or impaired urination
  • Lameness or dragging leg(s) while walking
  • Toes buckling when standing or walking
  • Weakness, stiffness
  • Slow, stiff gait
  • Not wanting to get up from lying position
  • Trembling, shaking, or tremors
  • Lack of coordination
  • Collapsing when walking
  • Limb paralysis

It’s a little tricky and confusing because dogs display the same symptoms after acute physical trauma or overindulging in strenuous physical activity.

Ruptured disks also display the same symptoms, but are usually caused when a dog jumps down from a high place, like out of a car or off the bed or playing fetch or frisbee, etc.

Dogs might also suffer acute-onset of disk damage if hit by a car, attacked by another animal, or suffer some other form of serious trauma. Such traumatic injuries are not IVDD.

Traumatic injury is different from IVDD, even though the symptoms are similar.

IVDD is a slow, degenerative process, not caused by sudden trauma.

However, a sudden trauma can cause an intervertebral disk rupture or herniation if the dog’s disks are already weakened due to IVDD.

Breeds Prone to Canine IVDD

Certain dog breeds are more prone to IVDD than others.

Breeds prone to canine IVDD are:

  • Daschunds
  • Bulldogs
  • Basset hounds
  • Beagles
  • Corgis
  • Cocker spaniels,
  • Pekignese
  • Shih-Tzus
  • Poodles
  • German shepherds
  • Labrador retrievers
  • Doberman pinschers

Dogs on the above list who are also obese are especially at risk.

How Double P II Herbal Blend Helps Dogs with IVDD

Many pharmaceuticals exist to help dogs with IVDD.

Often, though, veterinarians and pet parents prefer to try something natural first.

Herbs provide a gentle, tonic alternative for many dogs.

Double P II Herbal Formula: Western Philosophy

Double P II helps dogs suffering from:

  • Acute intervertebral disc diseases
  • Paralysis
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Disc protrusion

Double P II Herbal Formula: Eastern Philosophy

Eastern medicine treats a disease’s root cause(s) rather than symptoms.

Accordingly, TCVM veterinarians evaluate canine IVDD differently than Western veterinarians.

TCVM vets look for signs of imbalance.

Double P II helps dogs with the following TCVM signs:

  • Back very sensitive to touch
  • Paralysis and paresis due to stagnation
  • A fast pulse
  • A purple tongue

How Double P II Herbal Formula Works

Double P II is a TCVM blend of 22 different Eastern herbs.

The herbs perform synergistically, balancing systems and meridians in the body.

Double P II addresses the underlying causes of IVDD in dogs.

The underlying cause of any disease is always an imbalance somewhere in the body.

Double P II alleviates your dog’s imbalances while treating the symptoms of IVDD.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, Double P II works by:

  • Breaking down Stasis in the spine
  • Moving Qi
  • Relieving pain

The main ingredients in Double P II are:

  • Ba Ji Tian warms Yang and tonifies Kidney
  • Bu Gu Zhi tonifies Kidney Yang and strengthens bones
  • Chi Shao cools Blood and resolves stagnation
  • Chuan Niu Xi tonifies Kidney Yang and strengthens rear limbs
  • Chuan Xiong activates Blood and resolves stagnation
  • Dang Gui nourishes Blood, activates Blood, and relieves pain
  • Di Long clears internal wind and detoxifies
  • Du Zhong strengthens back and tonifies Kidney Yang
  • Fu Zi warms Yang and Channels
  • Gan Cao harmonizes
  • Gu Sui Bu strengthens bones and tonifies Kidney Yang
  • Hong Hua moves Blood and resolves stagnation and stasis
  • Huang Qi tonifies Qi
  • Ma Qian Zi activates Channels, relieves pain, and clears Wind-Damp
  • Mo Yao resolves stagnation and relieves pain
  • Quan Xie resolves stagnation
  • Ru Xiang resolves stagnation and relieves pain
  • Tian San Qi moves Blood, stops hemorrhage
  • Wu Gong moves Qi and relieves pain
  • Xu Duan strengthens bones and ligaments, tonifies Kidney Yang
  • Xue Jie resolves stagnation

Dr. Huisheng Xie, the founder of the Chi Institute in Reddick, FL, created the Double P II herbal formula specifically for animals.

Dr. Xie based the Double P II  herbal formula on the ancient TCM formula Da Huo Luo Dan.

Double P II works best when combined with plenty of water, Eastern Food Therapy, and moderate exercise.

Note: Information on this site is for educational purposes only and is not meant to substitute the advice provided by your own veterinarian.

                                                              Get Double P II at TCVM Pet Supply

More Powerful Tools for Overcoming Dog Arthritis Challenges

Arthritis is often part of the problem leading up to IVDD.

There are many quick and easy changes you can make at home to help you give your dog an edge on easing dog arthritis pain.

                                                  Get A Phone Consultation with One of Our TCVM Veterinarians

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