Everything You Need to Know About Joint Health and MSM for Dogs

Everything You Need to Know About Joint Health and MSM for Dogs

Your older pup is starting to show signs of his age.

Maybe he’s getting some white fur around his mouth.

He also probably sleeps a little more during the day than he used to.

But, the hardest part of watching your pup is age is seeing him struggle with arthritis.

He might limp a little, struggle to get up, and avoid jumping on the couch like he used to.

Arthritis isn’t curable, but the pain is manageable.

A traditional veterinarian may recommend prescription medications.

However, prescription medications often come with harmful side effects.

A veterinarian practicing Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) may recommend alternative options to strong pharmaceuticals, such as Eastern and Western herbs or supplements.

For example, many veterinarians recommend a supplement with MSM for dogs to improve joint health.

MSM is a naturally occurring substance found in the body.

In combination with other natural substances, such as the more common glucosamine, MSM can help improve dog joint health and alleviate pain associated with arthritis.

What Is MSM?

MSM, short for methylsulfonylmethane, is a non-toxic, odorless chemical.

In nature, MSM exists in animals, plants, and humans.

MSM naturally occurs in foods such as chicken, broccoli, pepper, onion, sprouts, asparagus, cabbage, corn, tomato, beetroot, and alfalfa.

MSM helps the body efficiently use vitamins and nutrients.

Once manufactured, MSM is an easily dissolvable white, odorless powder.

Why Is MSM Beneficial for Dog Joint Health?

MSM is a naturally occurring chemical compound.

As bodies age, MSM levels decrease.

Decreasing levels of MSM result in skin problems and joint pain.

Supplementing MSM is beneficial for amino acids in the skin. MSM decreases pressure inside cells, allowing water and nutrients to flow better inside cells. This process more effectively nourishes the body and improves skin elasticity.

MSM is necessary for forming keratin, which keeps dog fur and skin healthy.

MSM also aids connective tissue in ligaments and blood proteins.

According to a study published in the Journal of Experimental Zoology, MSM protects cartilage from deterioration and reduces joint pain caused by osteoarthritis in dogs.

MSM deficiency can also result in gastrointestinal problems, rheumatism, and poor immune system.

Does MSM Have Side Effects?

Because MSM is a natural form of sulfur, it is safe for pets.

A study published in the Journal Food and Chemical Toxicology revealed MSM did not cause chemical or biomechanical toxicity in dogs during a clinical trial.

However, some dogs may experience mild side effects such as vomiting and diarrhea.

Only give your pet the recommended dose of MSM, and bring your dog to the vet if he shows any adverse effects.

Too much sulfur can cause opaqueness in your dog’s eyes, kidney and liver problems, or breathing difficulties.

Arthritis Information and MSM Supplement Center published a report stating MSM can cause blood to thin.

As such, your vet may not recommend MSM if your pup is on potentially contradictory medications.

How to Use MSM with Other Herbs and Compounds

MSM is even stronger when used in conjunction with other herbs and compounds.

For example, a PET | TAO offers a supplement including MSM, Green Lipped Mussel and Glucosamine, effectively helping dogs feel better.

Seeking an all natural supplement to boost your pet’s joint health?

Get PET | TAO’s Harmonize Joint Supplement

More Powerful Tools for Overcoming Dog Arthritis Challenges

There are many quick and easy changes you can make at home to help you give your dog an edge on easing dog arthritis pain.

Get A Phone Consultation with One of Our TCVM Veterinarians

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