External Wind Herbal Formula Eases Dog Flea Allergies


What Are Dog Flea Allergies?

Fleas make most dogs itch.

But, some dogs are actually allergic to flea bites.

In medical terms, veterinarians call it “flea allergy dermatitis (FAD)” or

“flea bite sensitivity”.

If your dog is allergic, a single bite can wreak havoc.

Many people think the fleas crawling around on the dogs’ skin is what makes them itchy.

In allergic dogs, it’s the bite that causes the problem, not the crawling fleas.

When the flea bites your dog to draw blood, it injects saliva back into your dog’s skin.

Flea saliva in itself is a little irritating to any dog.

But, in dogs allergic to flea saliva it triggers a very painful and debilitating reaction.

Some allergic dogs even itch for up to two weeks after a single bite!

And, sometimes the itching is so severe the dog damages its own skin by scratching or chewing.

Signs of Dog Flea Allergies

If your dog is always scratching and chewing, he may have flea allergies.

The following signs most often occur on the back legs, stomach, or tail area:

  • Bleeding rashes
  • Biting at skin
  • Clawing
  • Hair loss
  • Severe irritation
  • Skin rash
  • Small red or pink bumps on the skin
  • Constant scratching

Dogs with flea allergies are miserable.

Flea allergies may cause serious problems and warrant a visit to your veterinarian.

Western Treatment for Dog Flea Allergies

Flea allergies are quite common and veterinarians usually have a standard treatment protocol.

First, your vet will want to talk about your method of flea prevention.

Then, your dog may need an injection or pharmaceutical to ease your dog’s allergy symptoms.

Often, vets prescribe steroid pills or an injection.

Sometimes dogs need a topical hydrocortisone spray to ease itching.

The sad thing about a dog with flea allergies is that flea prevention often doesn’t stop the “first bite”.

Many flea preventatives kill when the flea bites the dog.

If the dog has flea allergies, it’s too late. The allergic reaction is already triggered.

TCVM Philosophy of Dog Flea Allergies

Luckily, TCVM (Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine) has a formula that may help.

TCVM veterinarians have a different concept of flea allergies.

Eastern philosophy treats from a different angle than Western medicine.

TCVM vets first look for the root cause of the problem, rather than simply easing the symptoms.

A TCVM examination is different than a routine vet exam, too.

A TCVM vet checks different pulses, looks at the tongue, and checks other aspects of the animal.

They analyze patterns and constitution to come up with a treatment plan.

TCVM’s goal is to bring your pet back into energetic balance, thus facilitating the natural healing process.

How External Wind Herbal Formula Eases Dog Flea Allergies

External Wind herbal formula helps dogs with the following TCVM indicators:

  • Fast and superficial pulse
  • Hypersensitive skin
  • Red or purple tongue
  • Restlessness
  • Skin allergy due to Wind
  • Skin itching and scratching

External Wind herbal formula works by:

  • Activating Blood
  • Alleviating itching
  • Clearing external wind
  • Cooling Blood
  • Detoxifying

The ingredients in the External Wind herbal formula are:

  • Bia Xian Pi to kill scabies
  • Cang Er Zi to clear Wind and open Lung
  • Chi Shao to cool Blood and clear Heat
  • Di Fu Zi to clear Wind and benefit skin
  • Jiang Can to clear Wind and detoxify
  • Jing Jie to clear Wind-Cold and relieve itching
  • Mu Dan Pi to cool Blood and activate Blood

Dr. Hushing Xie, the founder of the Chi Institute in Reddick, FL, created External Wind herbal formula for animals.

His inspiration was the ancient Chinese formula named Allergy Formula 1.

External Wind Herbal Formula works best combined with plenty of water, TCVM Food Therapy, and appropriate exercise.

Get External Wind Herbal Formula at TCVM Pet Supply

More Powerful Tools for Overcoming Dog Allergies

There are many quick and easy changes you can make at home to help give your dog an edge on easing allergy challenges.

Get A Phone Consultation with One of Our TCVM Veterinarians

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