The Ultimate Guide to High CBD Hemp Oil for Pets

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Hemp in Ancient Chinese Medicine

Cannabis, or hemp, has a long use history in China.

In fact, two-thousand-year-old Chinese medical texts record using achenes, along with other hemp plant parts.

Historic Chinese Cannabis Use

Achenes are small, dry, one-seeded fruits that do not open to release the seeds. 

And, historically, cannabis achenes were the most popular part used in Chinese medicine.

However, the female flower heads and other hemp plant parts were also used for pain, mental illness, and other conditions. Scientists hypothesize a connection between ancient China’s hemp use and hemp’s high CBD content.

In addition, in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), hemp is considered one of the 50 fundamental herbs.

Use of Hemp Seeds

Hemp seed, known as Huo Ma Ren, is considered to have “sweet,” “neutral/ mild” properties, and is associated with the stomach, spleen, and large intestines.

Through the years, all parts of the hemp plant including the flowers, leaves, resin, roots, seeds, and stalks were used to treat numerous health issues.

Chinese Use of Cannabis Flower

And, cannabis flower was a major ingredient in TCM anesthetics. Actually, the word meaning anesthetic in Chinese (ma zui 麻醉) contains the word “ma” for “hemp”.

Ancient China also heralds a hemp goddess, Ma Gu, who bears blessings, kindness, healing, and longevity. Portraits show her as a graceful woman holding stalks of cannabis or, occasionally, a hoe and basket of leaves. Sometimes she is accompanied by a deer.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the cannabis plant is called “Da Ma”.

Common TCM Hemp Uses

Hemp is commonly used in TCM for the following conditions:

  • Calming nerves
  • Insomnia
  • Pain relief
  • Soothing ovarian and menstrual pain
  • Stopping spasms

In cannabis’s full THC form, Traditional Chinese Medicine recognizes it as a dangerous, powerful drug causing long-term “cooling” of the liver.

High CBD Hemp Extract in Western Medicine

CBD oil has become very popular in Western medical culture. Numerous studies focus on the effects of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD) for health purposes, with many interesting results.

Common Western High CBD Hemp Extract Uses

CBD is used in Western medicine for the following:

  • Increase appetite
  • Ease inflammation due to arthritis and pain
  • Soothe anxiety
  • Reduce dermatitis and other allergic reactions
  • Reduce nausea

The Endocannabinoid System

The reason High CBD Hemp Oil shows such promising health benefits is because it affects the body’s CBD receptors.

The central nervous system and peripheral nervous system contain many different cannabinoid binding sites (receptors).

CB1 and CB2 are the two primary cannabinoid receptors. Some studies show the brain may contain other CBD binding sites.

Cannabinoids are neuromodulators. Neuromodulators regulate many processes including:

  • Appetite
  • Cognitive processes
  • Motor learning
  • Pain sensation
  • Physical processes


Cannabis plants contain over 100 different phytocannabinoids. However, the medical community’s current focus is on Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD).

THC is psychotropic, CBD is not psychotropic

Cannabidiol (CBD)

CBD is the most studied phytocannabinoid after THC. It is non-psychotropic and shown to help with numerous conditions.

CBD affects the CB1 and CB2 receptors found throughout the body.

No level of toxicity has been found in humans to 1500 mg per day orally or 30 mg per day via IV.

Industrial Hemp: The Farm Bill of 2014 Makes Hemp Legal in the US

The Farm bill of 2014 allows farmers to grow industrial hemp. In order to qualify as industrial hemp, the plant must be less than 0.3% THC by dry weight.

In addition, hemp extracts must be the whole plant. Hemp may be either domestic or imported.

Currently, there is no USDA Organic Certification for industrial hemp.

Industrial Hemp vs. Marijuana

Many people do not understand the difference between industrial hemp and marijuana.

Differences include:

  • Industrial hemp is very fibrous and has very few flowering buds. Marijuana very bushy and has many flowering buds.
  • Industrial hemp has high CBD content and a low THC content. Marijuana has a high THC content and a low CBD content.
  • Industrial hemp is used for medicinal purposes, fiber food, rope, paper and more. Marijuana is used medicinally and recreationally.

Hemp Quality Control Issues

Because of the lack of quality control, you must be aware of where the hemp is sourced.

One thing to keep in mind is hemp plants are detoxifiers. Hemp detoxifies air and soil. Hemp grown for detoxification purposes may be contaminated. The same hemp may be repurposed and sold as a commodity, so you must pay close attention to where the hemp for your CBD oil is sourced.

Possible scenarios producing low quality or contaminated hemp are:

  • Using Asian hemp planted to remove heavy metal toxicity
  • Growing hemp in polluted air. Hemp absorbs carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide from the polluted air.
  • Not treating hemp organically. Hemp absorbs pesticides and toxins.

The Difference Between Cannabis Oil, Hemp Seed Oil, and Hemp Extract Oil

The names cannabis oil, hemp seed oil, and hemp extract oil all sound similar, but the products are very different!

Cannabis Oil

Cannabis oil comes from Cannabis that is greater than 0.3% THC by volume.

It comes from cannabis containing between 6% – 20% THC and is psychotropic.

Cannabis oil has medicinal benefits but is only legal in states that have passed medicinal or medical marijuana laws.

Hemp Seed Oil

Hemp seed oil is sourced from cannabis seeds. It is non-psychotropic and contains no THC or active cannabinoids. Hemp seed oil is akin to sunflower and avocado oil, containing healthy fats. Active cannabinoids only occur from plants with growth and flowering, not from seeds. Therefore, hemp seed oil does not contain any active cannabinoids.

Hemp Extract Oil

Whole-hemp extract oil, from the whole hemp plant, is non-psychotropic.

Whole-hemp extract oil comes from industrial hemp (less than 0.3% THC).

Hemp extract oil is whole-plant and full-spectrum, containing active cannabinoids like CBD and CBN.

Hemp extract oil is legal in all 50 states.

Phytocannabinoid (CBD) Extraction Methods

The method used to extract hemp oil is very important in creating a quality end product!


Ethanol extraction is one of the cheapest forms of extraction and very popular in the plant oil industry.

However, ethanol extraction employs a harsh solvent, usually in large drums.

First, the manufacturer soaks hemp plants in ethanol, then rotary-evaporates to remove the ethanol from the extract.

However, some remnants of ethanol remain in the end product. In addition, ethanol may destroy the plant waxes causing an inferior end product.

We recommend avoiding ethanol-extracted CBD.


Hydrocarbon extraction uses hydrocarbons, such as butane, to “blast” through the plant, extracting the oils.

It is the manufacturer’s responsibility to make sure hydrocarbon is removed after extraction.

If processing leaves any hydrocarbon is behind, those ingesting it will absorb the hydrocarbon along with the CBD oil. A risk you don’t want to take!


Isolate extraction uses harsh solvents like butane, hexane, chloroform, and others. It is often used on hemp that has been exposed to pesticides or is moldy.

The harsh solvents used may degrade the cannabinoids, and there is a chance residue of harsh solvents in the end product.

If any solvent remains, you risk allergic reactions or other reactions.

We don’t recommend using CBD oil extracted via isolate.

Supercritical CO2

Supercritical CO2 is the only form of extraction free of harsh solvents. In supercritical CO2 extraction, manufacturers increase the liquid CO2’s pressure and temperature to reach a supercritical state.

In a supercritical state, CO2 passes through hemp-like gas and draws the extract out like a liquid.

Using hypercritical CO2, there is no possibility of solvent residue because the entire process is solvent-free.

In addition, CO2 is minimally invasive. Another advantage of using hypercritical CO2 is the fact that temperature and pressure changes can affect what the CO2 extracts. Supercritical C02 is “tunable”, allowing for more specific extractions.

Know Before You Buy: What to Look for On Labels

To make sure you purchase the best quality high CBD hemp extract oil, you’ll need to carefully read labels.

Advertising and marketing are tricky! Manufacturers often word labels in ways to make you assume particulars that aren’t 100% fact.

“Red Flags” to Look for on Labels

“Manufactured by” vs. “Manufactured for”

The term “Manufactured by” means the company extracts and produces the product itself. The company has all accountability and the ability to trace extraction, the hemp used, etc. “Manufactured for” or “Distributed by” means the company does not produce or extract the product itself and is not directly accountable for quality.

USA Certified Organic

USA Certified Organic is a keyword many companies use on labels giving people the impression the hemp extract is USDA organic. It is not. Currently, there is No USDA certification for hemp in existence. When you see USA Certified Organic on a CBD or Hemp Oil label, the company is using the loophole that if <95% of the product is USDA organic (like the MCT oil or coconut oil) then the company can legally call the whole product organic.

99.9% Pure

“99.9% pure” is a code word for a company using isolate without saying the word “isolate”. The terminology seems appealing appears to be top quality. But, in reality, isolate is powder that comes from CBD processed using toxic solvents.

0.00 THC

“0.00 THC” is a statement similar to the claim of “99.9% pure”. The only way to get 100% THC-free is to bring the hemp plants to isolate. Testing will show trace THC but the only way to extract all THC is via toxic solvents.


The term “cold-pressed” seems appealing because of numerous high-quality cold-pressed juices or other oils. But, in the hemp industry, cold-pressed refers to either inactive hemp oil or ethanol-extracted hemp oil. Not a good quality high CBD hemp oil

Method of Extraction

The company should explicitly state the method of extraction on the product label. Not displaying the method of extraction is a cause for concern.

Where Grown

The company should state where they grow, or their supplier grows their hemp.

Visible Label

The website should show the entire label somewhere. If not, the company may be hiding where and who does the extraction. If you don’t know where the product is sources or the method of extraction, you have no idea of the quality of the end product.

High CBD Hemp Oil for Pets

In our clinics, we’ve personally seen High CBD Hemp Oil supplementation help dogs and cats with anxiety, pain, and inflammation. We’ve also seen the same oil used topically to help certain skin conditions.

High CBD Hemp Oil May Help Your Pet:

How to Supplement Your Pets Diet with High CBD Hemp Oil

Most importantly, make sure you get organic non-GMO hemp oil.

The best products are:

  • Hand-picked
  • Processed with no chemicals or contaminants
  • Bottled with no chemicals or contaminants

Also, always read the label to make sure you give your pet the best!

The Most Common High CBD Hemp Oil Strengths:

  • 10mg/ml – 300mg/30ml Bottle
  • 20mg/ml – 600mg/30ml Bottle

Suggested Supplementation

Determining the best amount to supplement is a bit tricky because not enough scientific studies have been done using high CBD hemp oil in dogs and cats. Also, every animal is genetically different, meaning each animal’s CBD receptors will react slightly differently.

However, we do know that High CBD Hemp Oil is relatively safe. The most common side effects are gastrointestinal, being vomiting, and diarrhea. An occasional pet may have an allergic reaction.

So, for the above reasons, we recommend starting at a low dose (1/2 the recommended dose) and working your way up for the desired result. You may find the lower dose provides the results you’re seeking.

Dogs and Cats Up to 20 Pounds

  • 10mg/ml – 300mg/30ml Bottle: 1/2 ml
  • 20mg/ml – 600mg/30ml Bottle: 1/4 ml

Dogs and Cats 20-65 Pounds

  • 10mg/ml – 300mg/30ml Bottle: 1/2 – 1 ml
  • 20mg/ml – 600mg/30ml Bottle: 1/4 – 1/2 ml

Dogs and Cats 65 Pounds and Above

  • 10mg/ml – 300mg/30ml Bottle: 1 – 2 ml
  • 20mg/ml – 600mg/30ml Bottle: 1/2 – 1 ml

We Recommend One Farm Organics as a top-quality producer of High CBD Hemp Oil.

                                                                          Visit One Farm Organics

Disclaimer: This article is for educational purposes only and does not take the place of examination by a qualified practitioner. The information comes from educational sources and has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information used is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or treat any disease or medical condition. Please consult your veterinarian before starting or stopping any supplement or medication.


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