Lung Cancer in Dogs: How You Can Help at Home

Lung cancer in dogs

What Is Lung Cancer in Dogs?

Lung cancer in dogs is a type of cancer that starts in the lungs of canines. Although not as widespread as some other types, it is still a relatively common cancer in dogs.

There are several types of lung cancer in dogs, and they can show different symptoms depending on the specific cell types that are affected.

The most prevalent types of lung cancer in dogs are:

  • Primary lung tumors: Primary lung tumors originate in the lung tissue itself. They can be adenocarcinomas, bronchoalveolar carcinomas, or other types of cancer that develop within the lungs.
  • Metastatic lung tumors: Metastatic lung tumors originate elsewhere in the body and spread (metastasize) to the lungs. Cancers from other organs like the mammary glands, skin, bone, or other parts of the body can spread to the lungs, forming secondary tumors.

Symptoms of lung cancer in dogs can vary, but some common signs include:

  • Coughing – can be persistent and may worsen over time.
  • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath.
  • Wheezing or labored breathing.
  • Exercise intolerance or decreased stamina.
  • Lethargy and weakness.
  • Loss of appetite and weight loss.

Diagnosis typically involves a combination of imaging tests (such as X-rays or CT scans), blood tests, and sometimes biopsies to confirm the presence of lung cancer and determine the specific type.

Treatment options for lung cancer in dogs depend on various factors such as the type and stage of cancer, as well as the overall health of your dog. Treatment may involve surgery to remove tumors, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or palliative care to alleviate symptoms and improve the dog’s quality of life.

It’s crucial to consult with your veterinarian if you suspect your dog may have lung cancer or any other health concerns.

Early detection and appropriate treatment can significantly impact the prognosis and well-being of the dog.

What Can I Do to Help Dogs with Lung Cancer at Home?

Listed below are helpful suggestions to assist your dog at home.

You can support your dog in their fight against lung cancer in numerous ways.

Continue reading, and we’ll guide you through these strategies every step of the way!

1. What every owner should know about cancer ebookEducate Yourself About Lung Cancer in Dogs

If your dog has just been diagnosed with cancer, and you’re trying to figure out what it means for your dog, grab a copy of our free ebook “What Every Dog Owner Should Know About Cancer.”

It’s written by our founding veterinarians, Dr. Casey Damron and Dr. Marc Smith. The ebook explains what’s going on with your dog and gives you tips to help at home.

2. Try Feeding Your Dog a Home-Cooked Energetically Appropriate Diet

Another powerful tool in the fight against cancer involves providing an energetically appropriate diet.

Opting for an Eastern Food Therapy-based diet can significantly impact your dog’s well-being.

In addition, it will enhance your dog’s response to herbs, medications, and other treatments.

PET | TAO Solution Zing Canned FormulaRemember, a nutritious diet forms the bedrock of good health.

If you’re interested in home cooking, you can quickly get started by exploring our recipe page. Unsure about the ideal diet for your dog? Take a peek at our feeding suggestions chart.

Alternatively, consider checking out PET | TAO Zing Canned Formula if you prefer a ready-made diet. Zing is the formula Dr. Smith and Dr. Damron most often recommend in their clinics for dogs suffering from cancer.

3. Add Lung to Your Dog’s Diet

The Five-Element Theory and Yin and Yang Theory advocate for feeding lung treats to support the lung meridian.

For instance, within Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM), the Five-Element Theory elucidates the interconnectedness of the five natural elements present in our environment.

The primary role of the lungs involves respiration, converting oxygen and carbon dioxide to generate energy.

Intriguingly, in Chinese Medicine, the lungs not only manage respiration but also oversee the regulation of the skin’s surface and the body’s hair, acting as an essential avenue for the body’s “breathing.”

Moreover, as per the Five-Element Theory, the lung embodies the qualities of Metal.

Metal signifies determination, strength, and unwavering persistence.

Often referred to as the “breath of life,” the Metal Element holds significant attributes.

Feeding your dog lung fortifies the above attributes within his or her body, promoting strength and balance in all these aspects.

Obviously, lung is not something you can easily pick up at the grocery store. However, you can easily access lung in the form of freeze-dried or dehydrated lung treats.

For best results, feed a minimum of:

  • 1-3 treats per day for dogs under 25 lbs
  • 3-5 treats per day for dogs 26-50 lbs
  • 10 treats per day for dogs over 50 lbs

4. Add Medicinal Mushrooms to Your Dog’s Supplement Regimen

Cancer is often considered a disease of the immune system because it involves the abnormal growth of cells that evade the body’s immune defenses. Typically, the immune system identifies and eliminates abnormal or potentially harmful cells, including cancer cells.

The immune system is equipped with mechanisms to recognize and destroy abnormal cells through a process called immunosurveillance. This process involves specialized cells, such as T cells and natural killer cells, which identify and eliminate cancerous or precancerous cells before they can grow and cause harm.

However, cancer cells can develop various strategies to evade detection and destruction by the immune system. They can produce proteins that suppress the immune response, disguise themselves to appear more like normal cells or create a microenvironment that hampers immune cell activity.

Furthermore, as cancer progresses, it can manipulate the immune system to its advantage. Some tumors release signals that attract specific immune cells, which may promote their growth and spread instead of attacking the cancer. This process is immune evasion or immunosuppression.

PET | TAO Complement Immune SupplementMedicinal mushrooms serve as a potent support system for enhancing your dog’s immune function.

Within these mushrooms lie potent polysaccharides, specifically beta-glucans, known for their remarkable properties.

Research indicates that beta-glucans are pivotal in harmonizing the immune system and effectively combating inflammation.

As Dr. Smith and Dr. Damron recommend, PET | TAO Complement Immune stands out as an excellent choice.

Complement Immune comprises a powerful blend of four medicinal mushrooms: Reishi, Shiitake, Turkey Tail, and Maitake.

  • Reishi mushrooms bolster immune activity by influencing white blood cells, which are crucial in the battle against infections and cancer.
  • Shiitake mushrooms boast antioxidants like l-ergothioneine and the immune-boosting compound lentinan.
  • Turkey tail mushrooms house polysaccharide-K (PSK), renowned for its immune-stimulating properties and its recognition as an approved anticancer drug in Japan due to its effectiveness.
  • Maitake mushrooms reinforce immune responses by enhancing macrophages, natural killer (NK) cells, and cytotoxic T-cells.

Using PET | TAO Complement Immune couldn’t be simpler – just check the label and provide the appropriate number of soft chews as per your dog’s weight. Also, it’s an over-the-counter supplement that does not require a prescription or authorization.

5. Supplement with Probiotics and Digestive Enzymes

PET | TAO Harmonize GI SupplementSupplementing your dog’s diet with probiotics and digestive enzymes offers a multitude of advantages.

Primarily, they aid in naturally alleviating stomach upsets—a common issue among dogs dealing with cancer.

PET | TAO Harmonize GI is a natural solution that furnishes your dog with all essential digestive enzymes, prebiotics, and probiotics, fostering optimal gut health.

Additionally, these digestive aides play a pivotal role in enhancing your dog’s food digestion and nutrient absorption.

This additional support proves vital, particularly for dogs battling chronic health conditions that frequently hinder efficient nutrient absorption.

Also, improving gut health can contribute positively to the overall immune system, potentially aiding in combating cancer by supporting the body’s natural defense mechanisms.

6. Consider TCVM Herbal Medicine for Lung Cancer in Dogs

TCVM (Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine) herbal medicine is recognized for its potential in supporting dogs with lung cancer.

Dr. Smith and Dr. Damron often incorporate TCVM herbal formulas as part of a holistic approach to aid dogs battling lung cancer. The herbal remedies work synergistically to address various aspects of the condition, assisting in:

  • Supporting Immune Function: Certain TCVM herbs bolster the immune system, potentially aiding the body in recognizing and combatting cancerous cells.
  • Reducing Inflammation: Some TCVM herbal blends possess anti-inflammatory properties, which alleviate discomfort and inflammation associated with lung cancer.
  • Enhancing Vitality: TCVM herbal formulas help improve overall vitality and quality of life in dogs undergoing cancer treatments, promoting resilience and well-being.

Some examples of TCVM herbal formulas they often recommend in their clinics for lung cancer include:

However, TCVM herbal formulas require a veterinarian’s authorization, telemedicine consultation, or examination with Dr. Smith or Dr. Damron.

Are You Seeking Additional Support for Lung Cancer in Dogs?

Dr. Damron and Dr. SmithShould you require assistance managing your dog’s cancer naturally or through TCVM herbal blends, we’re here to assist you.

PET | TAO founders Dr. Marc Smith and Dr. Casey Damron offer TCVM telemedicine consultations tailored to your dog’s unique needs.

By opting for a TCVM telemedicine consultation ($125), you’ll receive personalized recommendations encompassing:

  • TCVM Evaluation
  • Food Therapy Recommendations
  • TCVM Herb Recommendations & Veterinary Authorization
  • Supplement Recommendations
  • Alternative Medicine Suggestions

For those in the Middle Tennessee region or willing to travel, in-clinic appointments are also available.

To learn more about each veterinarian and arrange an appointment, here’s how you can reach out:

We genuinely hope this information assists you in aiding your dog’s well-being. If you have any further inquiries or require assistance, please feel free to reach out to us!

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